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Tribunal Navigator

No business owner wants to prepare for a tribunal…

The good news is you don’t have to. Since you’re Peninsula Covered, our team of Legal Experts will handle any claim you face, from gathering your evidence to defending you in court.

Simply watch the videos below to find out more...

Your Tribunal Navigator enhanced client journey starts here…

As part of the Tribunal Navigator process, our Client Liaison Officer will keep you updated on your tribunal progress every step of the way. 

You'll also get helpful resources, the chance to watch a live tribunal and training opportunities to build your knowledge and confidence. 

Want to find out more? Click here to download your Tribunal Navigator Brochure or to find out more about your team of tribunal experts, click here

Remember, protecting your business is our business. So, when you need to  prepare for your tribunal case, give us a call and speak with one of our legal experts on 0844 892 2773

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